To change is something that is far from easy. Changing your clothes, your hair, the way you behave, act or think--it is all under the umbrella of challenges. Things that make us work hard, pull our hair out, stay awake at three in the morning trying to think of something better and more exciting to do with our time than stress--but for some reason, we just can't.
I tried to look up some clever Wikipedia definition for change, but only came up with this:
- Change is cyclical, and one expects circumstances to recur. This concept, often seen as related to Eastern world views such as Hinduism or Buddhism, nevertheless had great popularity in Europe in the Middle ages, and often appears in depictions of The Wheel of Fortune.
Change may require organisms and organizations to adapt (see also evolution).
Changes in society have been observed through slow, gradual modifications in mindsets and beliefs as well as through dramatic action (see revolutions). History is one of the tools used to document change.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Well, Wikipedia--you certainly are onto something. Societies change. Revolutions happen. People decide that whatever is in their current reality is NOT acceptable, fair, pleasant, etc. I feel I am on the cusp of a new revolution. A revolution of self. I haven't thought this entirely through yet--but I am pretty sure that my life is going to be pretty awesome. I have many things in my life that are pretty incredible, and I am trying to unstick the blockage that has been put in my mind about seeing those things. Since I'm pretty sure not many people will read this blog, I guess I don't have to worry or care about being too personal.
I guess I have been thinking about where our life will be -- Brunno and I. I wonder if we will live in Europe or in Africa or here in the states, and how I will feel about any and all of them. I found this website:
This website, and countless others are dedicated to those that have made the choice to live abroad, to separate themselves from what is familiar and to truly Attraversiamo, cross over into a new land of living. I am blessed by whoever it is that blesses people (still answering this question as well...) with a man who will go with me wherever the wind blows, and vice versa.
The picture above, which I happen to think is an amazing photo, is from my friend Brianne's wedding. For some reason I think it really captures B and I. I love it. It's so cheesy to put pictures of oneself on a blog, but for some reason I think this picture epitomizes what my life is like when I am happy. I am focused, but content. Relaxed, but also energized. That is really what my happiness is for me.
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