We had a symposium where he was able to answer questions from both our professor, as well as from us. I still have some questions I would like to see answered, I think, although it was very comprehensive.
He discussed some of the following things:
- Difference between philanthropy and charity
- Doing something as opposed to just observing a problem at work.
- FINCA (micro credit organization that I am going to need to look into further...)
- Relationship between philanthropy and politics--aka creating change through both nonprofit work and political candidates.
- Political reality versus policy issue
- social entrepreneurship
- The benefits and challenges of working with micro lending in a very formal economy like the U.S.
- Amount of money you are giving away should be relative to the demands you make on program evaluation
- program replication being a good benchmark for success
- Development is, ultimately "Over analyzed and under-thought."
- "Some of us like to be loved, some of us like to be feared."
Micro-lending is based on the Grameen model
These are my random non-profit thoughts for the day...there is a lot in my brain right now. I'm not quite sure how to handle it... I hope that I can create the calm within myself...sooner rather than later!
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